Mes collections

Corado Natola

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    Category : Blog

    22 mars 2021

    Collection 2021

    05. Contact Restons en contact. Adresse Rue Guerin, 4 – 7300 Boussu – Belgique Suivez-nous Facebook Instagram Téléphone +32 473 48 82 14

    22 mars 2020

    Collection 2020

    05. Contact Restons en contact. Adresse Rue Guerin, 4 – 7300 Boussu – Belgique Suivez-nous Facebook Instagram Téléphone +32 473 48 82 14

    22 mars 2019

    Collection 2019

    In his Kyoto collection, C.N. still manages to surprise us. It’s cuts and colors bear witness to an innovative stylistic and technical journey. For the creation of volumes and...

    22 mars 2018

    Collection 2018

    In his Kyoto collection, C.N. still manages to surprise us. It’s cuts and colors bear witness to an innovative stylistic and technical journey. For the creation of volumes and...

    22 mars 2017

    Collection 2017

    That year, Corado Natola projected his work into the interstellar universe: fairy woman, angel or demon … C.N. goes beyond his dream and breathes into his models. Cette année-là,...

    22 mars 2016

    Collection 2016

    In this 2016 collection, Corado Natola was inspired by traditional Japanese art. The refined elegance of Geisha brings his work to a very high level of artistic creativity. The...

    22 mars 2015

    Collection 2015

    For his Black & White collection, « Alternative« , the artist went further along into the future: daring colors, shapes and materials. Corado Natola does not hesitate to challenge the measure,...

    22 mars 2014

    Collection 2014

    Witchcraft or magic … For her « Avant-garde » collection, Corado Natola has been captivated by a supernatural breath. Only he seems to know the limit between dream and reality when...